Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Vegan Awesomeness

Step 1: Become vegan.

Step 2: Crave grilled cheese.

I can't remember the last time I had grilled cheese. It might have been college... Hell, it might have been high school. I don't know. I don't care... Or at least I didn't, until today.

I've been a vegan for 5 minutes, and all I can think about is grilled cheese. Grilled cheese on wheat. Grilled cheese with apple. Buffalo grilled cheese (damn you pinterest). I had 25 years to eat all the grilled cheese I wanted. I could have eaten it everyday... Twice on Sundays. But did I? NO. I hate me. 

And now here I am, grilled cheese-less for the rest of my life. Or am I?

Vegan Awesomeness

2 Slices vegan bread (I used Ezekiel sprouted grain)
2 tbls Tofutti cream cheese (I know, but it's good... I promise)
1 chipotle pepper in adobo sauce (diced)
1 oz. Daiya cheese
1/2 cup onion
1/2 cup fresh mushrooms
2 tbls Vegan Butter (I used Earth Balance)
Cooking spray

1. Chop onion and mushrooms.
2. Spray frying pan with cooking spray.
3. Cook onion over low heat (I caramelized them for extra awesomeness, but it takes time... A LOT of time. So feel free to skip that part).
4. Fry the mushrooms the same way (without the caramelizing step).
5. In the mean time combine the cream cheese, chipotle pepper, and Daiya in a small bowl. 
6. Spread 1tbls of butter on each piece of bread. 
7. When the onion and mushrooms are cooked to desire, add them to the cheese mixture.

IMPORTANT: DON"T EAT! I know it's good... but wait. Please.

9. Put one slice of bread, butter side down in pan.
10. Spread cheese mixture onto slice.
11. Top with Second slice (butter side up... come one people, you got this!)
12. Flip once.
13. Cut. Eat. Smile.

... and now my tummy loves me!

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